Author name: Bjoern

Björn is an expert in online marketing. He is also responsible for this at HBC-Service GmbH. Two computer science degrees round out his profile.

Digital time recording in companies

Digital time recording in companies - special features, advantages and disadvantages Digital time recording is now an indispensable tool in many companies for accurately recording and managing employees' working times. It replaces traditional methods such as manual timesheets or time clocks and offers numerous advantages, especially in industries with decentralized workplaces such as building cleaning. But what are the special features [...]

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Wage increases in the building cleaning industry

Wage increases in the commercial cleaning industry from 2025: more pay for cleaning staff The time has come for the commercial cleaning industry to undergo some changes and improve conditions for employees in the sector - and their customers. Around 700,000 employees in the commercial cleaning sector can look forward to higher wages from January 1, 2025. Following intensive negotiations between the industrial trade union

Tariff increases in the building cleaning industry Read more »